Saturday 12 March 2022

IAR Pracricle criticism


Hello! I am divya parmar. This blog is responece to the thinking activity which is given by Dr. Dilip barad sir. This blog is based on Reading selectine poem and analyze from the refference of I.A.RICHARD'S "pracricle criticism". In this blog first i discuss about the I.A,RICHARDS and then i discuss about his essay "practicle criticism" after that i write about the first impression of the poem. 

👉⃣⃣About I.A.RICHARDS:

Ivor Armstrong Richards CH (26 February 1893 – 7 September 1979), known as I. A. Richards, was an English educator, literary critic, and rhetorician. His work contributed to the foundations of the New Criticism, a formalist movement in literary theory which emphasized the close reading of a literary text, especially poetry, in an effort to discover how a work of literature functions as a self-contained and self-referential æsthetic object.

Richards' intellectual contributions to the establishment of the literary methodology of the New Criticism are presented in the books The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism (1923), by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism (1924), Practical Criticism (1929), and The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1936).

👉About the essay "practicle criticism" ;

Practical criticism is, like the formal study of English literature itself, a relatively young discipline. It began in the 1920s with a series of experiments by the Cambridge critic I.A. Richards. He gave poems to students without any information about who wrote them or when they were written. In Practical Criticism of 1929 he reported on and analysed the results of his experiments. The objective of his work was to encourage students to concentrate on 'the words on the page', rather than relying on preconceived or received beliefs about a text. For Richards this form of close analysis of anonymous poems was ultimately intended to have psychological benefits for the students: by responding to all the currents of emotion and meaning in the poems and passages of prose which they read the students were to achieve what Richards called an 'organised response'. This meant that they would clarify the various currents of thought in the poem and achieve a corresponding clarification of their own emotions.

In the work of Richards' most influential student, William Empson, practical criticism provided the basis for an entire critical method. In Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930) Empson developed his undergraduate essays for Richards into a study of the complex and multiple meanings of poems. His work had a profound impact on a critical movement known as the 'New Criticism', the exponents of which tended to see poems as elaborate structures of complex meanings. New Critics would usually pay relatively little attention to the historical setting of the works which they analysed, treating literature as a sphere of activity of its own. In the work of F.R. Leavis the close analysis of texts became a moral activity, in which a critic would bring the whole of his sensibility to bear on a literary text and test its sincerity and moral seriousness.

👉 The first reading of the poem : 


Once upon a time
A boy and girl were
Forced to leave their home
By armed robbers.
The boy was Independence
The girl was Freedom.
While fighting back, they got married.
After the big war they went back home.
Everybody prepared for the wedding.
Drinks and food abounded,
Even the disabled felt able.
The whole village gathered waiting,
Freedom and Independence
Were more popular than Jesus.
Independence came
But Freedom was not there.
An old woman saw Freedom’s shadow passing
Through the crowd, leaving by the gate.
All the same, they celebrated Independence.
Independence is now a senior bachelor.
Some people still talk about him,
Others take no notice.
A lot still say it was a fake marriage.
You can’t be a husband without a wife.
Fruitless and barren, Independence staggers to old age.
Leaving her shadow behind,
Freedom has never returned.

As per my rollnumber i have to analyze 5th number of poem. So hear i wrote about thr first impression of the poem at first sight. The very first line shows the two characters the girl and the boy. So at first impression we might get idea that this poem is about girl and boy. One boy girl are forced to leaved the house by some armed robbers. But the next line make new way towards meaning cause the line says the boy is indipendence and the girl was freedom.After reading next second line we realise that threr is thing about indipendence and freedom. 

They do fighting to back or reaturn at home. At first look we find the poem is about war. But the discription about war, marrige between indepence and freedom, gathering of villege people, the envioement of celebration etc. shows that something about war, in that war about victory and celebration.The line "Freedom and independence more popular than jesus." I get the meaning that the around enviromnt of war and people curiously waiting for freedom and independence. People want bake both freedom and and independence both together but the lines of the poem tells that frrdom never back. this lines " the old woman shaw the shadow of freedom" draw our mind in direction of real meaning of independence and freedom. we can get independence after war but what about freedom? Freedom is the individual way to living life but really we get that? by this lines i can feel that the poem is also about the politician or govermeny and any other power. 
 👉 Conclusion : This is the first impression of poem in my mind. It is appropriate readind or not that i don't know but after reading the poem i get this type of meaning out of that. thanks to visit my blog . 

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