Sunday 13 March 2022


Hello! I am divya parmar. This blog is the response to the flipped learning activity given by dilip sir. In this blog first i write about my thoughts on video lectures and then i write about video 3 which I like the most. then i cover points like learning outcome from videos, my question and feedback of the flipped learning. To know more about the task click hear to jump on the blog task

➡️ What is Existentialism? 

Existentialism is a 20th century philosophy that asks what it mean to exist As a human being. It is a concerned with a search for self and meaning of the life through free will, choice and responsibilities. Existentialist thinkers believ that people are searching to find out who and what they are as they make choices Based on their Experience, Beliefs, and outlook. 
➡️ Learning outcome from videos: 
👉 From video : 1 
In first video we introduced to this five existentialist:
1. Soren Kierkegaard

2. Martin Heideggar 

3. Jean Paul Sartre

4. Albert Camus

5. Friedrich Nietzsche 

6. Simon De Beauvoir

So in first video we can get sense that individuality, passions and freedom this three aspects are connected as triangle. The another thing I noticed in video is "God is possible after thinking as an individual". When the community or people feels absurd they taken easy way out from that as worshipping to God. According Albert Camus 'To believe in God is considered philosophy called suicide.'  

Existentialism is mainly popular among young people mainly because it touches on subjects with related to youth and their identity. 

👉 From video:2 The myth of Sisyphus: 

In this video we find discussion about Absurd Reasoning. In this essay Albert Camus draw our attention with this lines, 

"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide."

In this video we come to know that if our life is filled with despair and absurdity and we see that something deprived of all meaning, we might consider to commit suicide. According to Camus suicide is an individual act. The person if find difficulty like in between individual thought and life and they choses suicide. This situation is prepared as the silence of heart. As is a great work of art. 

In the second video we find another line, "Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined" means when you Start thinking and you haven't get sense out of that thinking you find absurdity. If a healthy man having thought of their own suicide, it can be seen without further explanation that there is direct connection between this feeling and the longing for death. Once we start feeling of absurdity we might gone through questions like hope or suicide? Camus also tell that the absurdity of life is not meaning to suicide. the life is not only worth living. 

👉 From video: 3 

"Absurd is neither in man not in the world, it can only occur in their presence together - man and the world"

 The world is irrational and we need a human being for this irretionality to be conceived. If there were no human beings then there wouldn't be any desires or in particular the human nostalgia to be satisfied. 

"There can be no absurd outside the human mind and the absurd ends with death" Like everything else the absurd ends with death. When we want to escape from absurdity and we commited suicide by physically and if we escape by philosophically called philosophical suicide. we started feeling Absurd when we find this three problem,
- A total absence of hope : despair
- A continual rejection : renunciation
- Conscious dissatisfaction: immature unrest

Camus was the part of the movement but he don't like some things to be as existentialist. According to him "I am taking the liberty at this point of calling the restrictions attitude philosophical suicide". Such behaviour towards the absurd is what Camus calls the leap. For Kierkegaard faith is a solution to get rid from absurdity. He said "Faith is the objective uncertainty with the repulsion of the absurd." So, This is how Camus differs from other existentialist who believe that believe in God itself is a philosophical suicide.  

From all the videos I like third video .

- Questions: 
1. question from :3rd video- The escapism by the absurd called philosophical suiside. Then if we escaping from such situations where truths become questions then that escapism can called philosophical suiside? 

2. how can we connect theory of existentialism with dadaism ? 

3. there is lines "there can be no absurd outside the human mind" then how can we give consider it as philosophical suiside?

4. if we study existentialism some questions regarding truth are come in our mind and we search for some answer but if we can't any sense out of that then is it called philosophical suiside? 

5. In first video there is a line " Believe in God is as philosophical suiside" so can we put faith in God as philosophical suiside?

Word count: 825 

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