Saturday 12 March 2022

Archetypal criticism

Hello I am divya parmar. This blog is  response to  the thinking activity which is given by dilip barad sir. In this blog first i give brief information about archetypal criticism and Northrop tyre. Then i cover the question and answer section. 
👉 what is Architypal criticism?

Archetypal criticism argues that archetypes determine the form and function of literary works, that a text's meaning is shaped by cultural and psychological myths. Archetypes are the unknowable basic forms personified or concretized in recurring images, symbols, or patterns which may include motifs such as the quest or the heavenly ascent, recognizable character types such as the trickster or the hero, symbols such as the apple or snake, or images such as crucifixion (as in King Kong, or Bride of Frankenstein)--all laden with meaning already when employed in a particular work. Archetypal criticism gets its impetus from psychologist Carl Jung, who postulated that humankind has a "collective unconscious," a kind of universal psyche, which is manifested in dreams and myths and which harbors themes and images that we all inherit. Literature, therefore, imitates not the world but rather the "total dream of humankind." Jung called mythology "the textbook of the archetypes".

Archetypal critics find New Criticism too atomistic in ignoring intertextual elements and in approaching the text as if it existed in a vacuum. After all, we recognize story patterns and symbolic associations at least from other texts we have read, if not innately; we know how to form assumptions and expectations from encounters with black hats, springtime settings, evil stepmothers, and so forth. So surely meaning cannot exist solely on the page of a work, nor can that work be treated as an independent entity.

Archetypal images and story patterns encourage readers (and viewers of films and advertisements) to participate ritualistically in basic beliefs, fears, and anxieties of their age. These archetypal features not only constitute the intelligibility of the text but also tap into a level of desires and anxieties of humankind.

At mid-century, Canadian critic Northrop Frye (1912-91) introduced new distinctions in literary criticism between myth and archetype. For Frye, as William K. Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks put it, “archetype, borrowed from Jung, means a primordial image, a part of the collective unconscious, the psychic residue of numberless experiences of the same kind, and thus part of the inherited response-pattern of the race”. 

➡️ Question- answer: 

1. What is Architypal criticism? What does Architypal critic do ? 

👉Answer: As we read the above paragraphs about what is archetypal criticism. So the archetypal critics have to criticise work with Symbol, character and image related to Archetypal theories. Every symbol, every image and character have told another story or they point out towards something hidden from our eyes. Archetype denotes recurrent narrative designs, patterns of action, character types, themes and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature, as well as in myths, dreams and even social rituals. Such recurrent items result from elemental and universal patterns in the human psyche. So according to this critics have to judge the works. 

2. What is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of ' Physics to Nature' and 'Criticism to Literature'? 
➡️ Answer:  Archetypal criticism is related to the symbol, images and characters which is played role in any literary works. So the symbol can be as nature or any thing from ancient texts also.  In this Frye compare both Physics to Nature and Criticism to Literature. Physics is a deep study of Nature but it called physics, not Nature though it is based on Nature only it called physics. In the same manner, In the literature, we are not learning the literature but we learn to understand literature,  how to read and how to criticise literature so we are not Learn literature but criticise literature. So it is the criticism of literature. So Literature is equal to Nature and Physics is equal to Criticism. 

3. Share your views of Criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.

➡️ Answer: As we read about literature, it is the mirror of society. Literature is always deals with history and philosophy. Philosophy is about existence and it progressively moves on, its ideas never stopped. Northrop Frye says that without reasoning and thinking to jump on any type of conclusion is not valid to process. Literature is serious of past or history. Every work of literature which is written with reference of present, it become series of history after some time. 

4. Briefly explain the inductive method with an illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene. explain Deductive Method with reference to an analogy to music, painting, rhythm and pattern. Give an example of the outcome of the Deductive Method.  

👉 Answer: when we were studying archetypal criticism we have see one seen from hamlet movie. So this is inductive method : 1. Death and birth both as normal rule of life . Both grave digger become happy if someone dies, they get work dig to grave. They get money and that's why death can be seen as normal. 2. The role of archetypal hero: ready to die for his beloved. 

Diductive Method can be as analogy of music and paintings rhythm and patterns. Art and literature always the outcome of human life and experience. Music relate with rhythme and paintings with images. We can not under just by listen or watch. We can only connect thrue in imagination and experience some images and words. 

5. Refer to the Indian seasonal grid (below). If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation. 

👉 Answer: 
so, This is cycle of seasons which connected to human life. According to essay of Northrop fyre, summer symbolises romance, winter symbolises irony and satire, spring symbolises comedy, Autumn for tragedy. 

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