Friday 31 March 2023

Gun Island Worksheet: 1 ,2

 Is Shakespeare mentioned in the novel? Or are his plays referred in the novel? (Write on the

reverse side of this paper)

Ans: Yes, Shakespeare is mentioned in the novel "Gun Island" by Amitav Ghosh. The protagonist, Deen, is a rare book dealer and he discusses Shakespeare and his works with other characters throughout the book. Specifically, in one scene, Deen mentions Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" and its connections to themes of migration and displacement, which are also explored in the novel. Additionally, the book also references other literary works, such as the Bengali epic "Manasamangal" and the Italian poem "Inferno" by Dante Alighieri.

2. What is the role of Nakhuda Ilyas in the legend of the Gun Merchant.

Ans: In the legend of the Gun Merchant mentioned in the novel "Gun Island" by Amitav Ghosh, Nakhuda Ilyas is a revered figure who is believed to have discovered the gun merchant's treasure and used it to establish a shrine in his honor.

The word "Nakhuda" is a Hindi-Urdu term that means "ship's captain" or "master of a vessel." In the novel, Nakhuda Ilyas is depicted as a skilled sailor who navigated the treacherous waters of the Bay of Bengal and played a key role in the legend of the gun merchant.

3. Make a table: write name of important characters in one column and their profession in


1. Deen, the protagonist: Deen is a rare books dealer who specializes in finding and selling valuable books and manuscripts. He is originally from Kolkata but now lives in the United States.

2. Cinta, Deen's friend and confidante: Cinta is a marine biologist who works for a non-profit organization that aims to protect endangered species of marine life. She is of Indonesian descent and lives in the United States.

3. Piya, a researcher: Piya is a young researcher who studies the behavior of dolphins in the Sunderban mangrove forests in West Bengal, India. She is of Indian-American descent.

4. Rafi, a tea seller: Rafi is a tea seller who operates a small tea stall in Kolkata. He is a friend of Deen and provides him with information about the local area and its history.

5. Nirmal, Deen's neighbor in Kolkata: Nirmal is a retired schoolteacher who has a deep interest in the history and folklore of the Sunderban mangrove forests. He provides Deen with information about the local area and its legends.

6. Kanai, a businessman: Kanai is a successful businessman who is originally from Kolkata but now lives in Delhi. He is an acquaintance of Deen and provides him with information about the history of the Sunderban mangrove forests and the gun merchant legend.

4. Fill the table. Write the name of relevant character:

Believer in mystical happenings & presence of the soul of dead people: This character trait can be attributed to Nirmal, Deen's neighbor in Kolkata, who has a deep interest in the history and folklore of the Sunderban mangrove forests. He believes in the mystical happenings of the region and claims to have experienced the presence of the souls of the dead.

Rationalizes all uncanny happenings: This character trait can be attributed to Deen, the protagonist of the novel, who is a rare book dealer and prefers to find rational explanations for unusual or supernatural events that he experiences or witnesses throughout the story.

Skeptic who is in-between but slightly towards center-right: This character trait can be attributed to Kanai, a successful businessman and acquaintance of Deen, who is generally skeptical and cautious about accepting claims or beliefs without evidence. However, he is not entirely closed off to the possibility of supernatural or mystical phenomena, and his position towards the center-right suggests that he is more likely to accept traditional or conservative views rather than radical or extreme ones.

5. What sort of comparison between the book and the mobile is presented at the end of the

novel? (Write on the reverse side of this paper)

At the end of the novel "Gun Island" by Amitav Ghosh, there is a comparison made between books and mobile phones. Deen, the protagonist, reflects on how books and mobile phones are both repositories of stories and knowledge. He muses that just as mobile phones can connect people across vast distances, books can connect people across time and space.

Deen also notes that while mobile phones have become ubiquitous and almost essential in modern society, books continue to hold a special place in people's hearts and minds. He compares the physical presence and sensory experience of reading a book with the transience and superficiality of using a mobile phone. Deen suggests that while mobile phones may be more efficient and convenient for certain tasks, books offer a depth and richness of experience that cannot be replicated by digital technology.

Thus, the comparison between the book and the mobile presented at the end of the novel is one that contrasts the enduring value of books with the fleeting nature of technology, and highlights the unique role that books play in connecting people with the past, present, and future.

II – Use ChatGPT > and type these prompts to write the answers

6. Tell me something about Amitav Ghosh’s novel Gun Island in 100 words

Amitav Ghosh's novel "Gun Island" is a rich and complex narrative that weaves together history, mythology, and contemporary concerns. The novel follows the journey of Deen, a rare book dealer, as he travels from Kolkata to Venice to Los Angeles, tracing the origins of a mysterious legend about the Gun Merchant and the goddess Manasa. Along the way, he encounters a diverse cast of characters who are grappling with issues of identity, belonging, and environmental degradation. Through Deen's journey, Ghosh explores themes of migration, globalization, climate change, and the power of storytelling to connect people across time and space. With its intricate plot and vivid descriptions, "Gun Island" is a thought-provoking and engaging read that challenges readers to reconsider their relationship with the natural world and the stories that shape our lives.

7. What is the central theme of Amitav Ghosh’s novel ‘Gun Island’?

The central theme of Amitav Ghosh's novel "Gun Island" is the interconnection between humans and the natural world, and the impact that humans have on the environment. Through the character of Deen, the novel explores how people's actions, both historical and contemporary, affect the ecological balance of the planet and contribute to climate change.

Another central theme of the novel is the power of storytelling and mythology to shape our understanding of the world and our place in it. Ghosh draws on the rich cultural traditions of India and the Sunderban region to explore how stories and beliefs can serve as a source of knowledge and wisdom, but can also be manipulated or distorted for personal or political gain.

Overall, "Gun Island" is a novel that raises important questions about our relationship with the natural world and the role that storytelling plays in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

Write 10-12 words about climate change in the novel. Mention number of times they recur.

The words related to climate change that recur multiple times in Amitav Ghosh's novel "Gun Island" include rising sea levels, floods, storms, droughts, extreme weather events, melting glaciers, climate refugees, environmental degradation, and the human impact on nature. These terms are mentioned several times throughout the novel to highlight the devastating effects of climate change on both the natural world and human society.

Explain the title of the novel. [Key words: venedig, hazelnut]

The title of Amitav Ghosh's novel "Gun Island" refers to a small island located in the Sunderban region of West Bengal, India, where the protagonist Deen encounters a legend about the Gun Merchant and the goddess Manasa. However, the title is also significant for its reference to another location in the novel, the city of Venice, which is known for its history of trade and commerce, as well as its associations with art and culture.

In the novel, the connection between the two locations is made through the story of the Venetian explorer Niccolò de' Conti, who is said to have brought back a hazelnut from his travels to India in the 15th century. This hazelnut, according to legend, was planted on the island of Giudecca in Venice and grew into a thriving hazel tree, thus linking the two locations across time and space.

The title "Gun Island" therefore serves as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of human history and the natural world, and the ways in which stories and legends can transcend geographical and temporal boundaries.

Match the characters with the reasons for migration (Video 4 Human Trafficking/Migration)

Dinanath - Natural calamities

Palash - To better socio-economic condition

Kabir and Bilal - Violence and riots - family feuds & communal reasons

Tipu and Rafi - To better socio-economic condition

Lubna Khala and Munir - Some uncanny sort of restlessness

Match the theorist with the theoretical approach to study mythology (Video 2 Historification

of Myth and Mythification of History)

Theorist - Theoretical Approach:

Bronislaw Casper Malinowski - Functionalism

Claude Levi-Strauss - Structuralism

Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis

Emile Durkheim & Jane Harrison - Myth and Ritual

6. Suggest research possibilities in Amitav Ghosh’s novel ‘Gun Island’ (write behind this page)

1.  A study of the themes of climate change and environmental degradation in the novel and their implications for contemporary society and global politics.

2. An analysis of the intertextual references and literary allusions in the novel, including the connection between the Venetian explorer Niccolò de' Conti and the legend of the Gun Merchant, and their implications for the understanding of historical and cultural identity.

3. An examination of the role of folklore, mythology, and storytelling in the novel, and their significance in shaping individual and collective identities.

4. An exploration of the representation of migration and displacement in the novel, and its implications for the understanding of human rights and social justice.

5. A study of the characters in the novel, their psychological motivations, and their relationships to one another, and how they reflect broader social and cultural trends.

6. An analysis of the narrative structure and style of the novel, including the use of multiple voices, shifting perspectives, and literary techniques, and their contribution to the meaning and impact of the text.

7. An investigation of the cultural and historical contexts of the novel, including the politics of globalization, the legacies of colonialism, and the challenges of contemporary multiculturalism.

7. Generate a sonnet on Amitav Ghosh’s novel Gun Island (Write it on reverse side of this page)

Amidst the pages of Gun Island's tale,

A world of wonder and enchantment waits,

With characters that do so deeply prevail,

Intriguing plots and twists that captivate.

A journey through a changing world, so vast,

Where land and sea collide in raging storms,

A search that's driven by a haunting past,

Where truth and myth are tangled in their forms.

A hazelnut, a legend, and a quest,

Intrigue and mystic secrets that unfold,

A tale of beauty, sorrow, and unrest,

With stories that are timeless, yet untold.

In Gun Island, a world of myths and lore,

A journey to the heart of life's great core.

8. Generate the Multiple questions: 

What is the primary focus of Amitav Ghosh's novel Gun Island?

A) A family saga set in India

B) A mystery about a stolen artifact

C) A quest to uncover a lost legend

D) A political thriller set in the United States

Answer: C) A quest to uncover a lost legend

Which of the following themes is prominently featured in Gun Island?

A) Environmental degradation and climate change

B) Political corruption and power struggles

C) Family dynamics and generational conflict

D) Romantic love and relationships

Answer: A) Environmental degradation and climate change

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