Saturday 5 March 2022

Understanding of indian poetics

 Hello! I am Divya Parmar. Here I am writing blog to complete my class activity which is held by prof. Dilip barad sir. To understand Indian poetics, we have guest lecture by Dr. Vinod Joshi. They give a proper understanding of Indian poetics. So, in this blog I write about my understanding of Indian poetics and also, I write about some informative part of Indian poetics. I hope this blog become helpful to the readers. 

What is Indian poetics? 

In Gujrati, we call it “Bhartiya sahitya Mimansa”. Indian poetics give importance to process not to result. “Indian poetics” seems something great heritage of India.  Oxford English dictionary defines poetics as “Art of writing poetry.” or “The study of literature”. When we come to know about all the school of theory, we find new beauty, new way to criticize and new way to get happiness from piece of art. So every theory, every school adds new beauty in work of art.

We can simply defines that drama,novel,poetry, short story etc. are considered to be works of literature. Literature is any work of art that uses language in a creative and imaginative way. So, creativity and imagination is so important cause when we talk about the piece of art, Without creativity and imagination, that can not be art. We many time listen that, 'Necessity is mother of invention'. But if we see with another lens we can change that sentence in "Creativity and imagination both are mothers of invention." If we see, that whatever things were invented, all things are not perhaps the Part of necessity. Lot many things are just piece of art. It is part of creativity which is related to the happyness.

Any piece of Literature which really uses language in a creative and imaginative way, poetics is a study ➡️ Rasa theory:

Rasa theory is discussed by Bharata Muni in 'Natyashastra'. Natyashashtra written in 6000 verses, 36 chepters. Rasa theory discussed in 6th chepter. In Rasa theory Bharata Muni discussed that how write the drama, how to perform, along with he discussed that appropriate theator, poetry, characters, performance of characters, appropriate dressing and dialogues.

The simple meaning of 'RASA' is entertainment. We can call rasa means juice. Which we can eat fruit and we get juice out of them. Same as we see drama, poetry. If we can't find any type of entertainment. There is no reason to watch it. In English, we find Aristotle who discussed about catharsis. Hear rasa theory and catharsis both are same. Both are take us to the "Rasanishpati" from any type of Literature or Art. Bharata Muni tells about 8 types of rasa. After the rasa theory of Bharata Muni, there is one sanskrit poet who added one more Rasa in that.

8 types of Rasas 

In English 


(Sanskrit Rasa) 

Rasa (English) 

Sathyai bhavas (Emotion) 




Rati- Love 



Utsaha - Enthusiasm 



Soka - Grief 



Hasa - Laughter 



Krodha - Anger 



Bhaya - Fear 



Jugupsa - Disgust 



Vismaya - Wonder 

It was "Shanta Rasa" Which is added by Udbhata. Udbhata said that to be a emotionless is also an emotion. Rasa can decide in two parts.

Angi Rasa 

Anga Rasa 

Principal sentients 

Subtidal sentiments 


Hear , Angi Rasa means the principal emotion which comes out from piece of art. Means, we can see the example of Mahabharata, the Angi Rasa is shantih. But in Mahabharata we can find so many other Rasas together. So this is all about Rasa theory. Now move towards Dhavani theory.

➡️ Dhavani Theory:

Dhavani theory means time. This theory come into limelight in the 9th century. Anand vardhana was the founder of this theory, he dominated Indian poetics from 9th to 12c. It is the world famous theory. It is said that, "Dhavani theory is the soul of them." Anandvardhana give text called "Dhvanyalok". Wherein he try to discussed about dhavani.


Anandvardhana says that feeling cannot be objectively brought to consciousness by libral expression (vacha), it can be made an object of direct experience only through indirect expression (vyangya). He declared that the soul of poetry was not the style or sentiment but tone. It means hidden meaning of the poem, deeper aspects of the poetry. There are three types of dhavani

1. Vastu Dhavani (Abhidha): some rare fact or idea is implied

2. Alamkara Dhavani (lakshna): some figure of speech is suggested

3. Rasa Dhavani (vyanjana): Rasa is evoked. It consists in suggesting Bhavas, feelings or sentiments.

➡️ Auchitya Theory:

In the beginning of the 17th century, it discussed that Rasa, Alamkara, Riti, Dhavani and Vakrokti are soul of poetry. Following five sampradaya declared. At that time Keshmendra has accept Auchitya sampraday as 6th of following. Auchitya has discussed before Keshmendra but he declared Auchitya as the soul of poetry.

- Before keshmendra, who has discussed about Auchitya?

1. Bharata Muni: Bharata Muni was first who thinks about Auchitya, he believes that the proportion or analog and appropriateness is Auchitya. According Bharat Muni things and words are look beautiful and meaningful, when they are on their appropriate place.

2. Bhamaha: Bhamaha called Auchitya as a supreame competence of poetry. Auchitya make work with full of beauty and meaning.

3. Dandi: According to Dandi, the combination of sampraday in poem is very important, and if it is not did well, It became the mistake of Guna and Dosha. Both discussed in context of the Auchitya. The great ability of poet or writer make Dosha to Guna.

4. Bhatt Lollat: They believes that in Epics, For catharsis, Auchitya is vary important. According if the Rasa and Alamkara has not proper combination. There will be not any Beauty in poem.

There are so many other critics who has discusseed about critcs like Raudrat, Rajashekhar and Anandvardhana, Kuntaka, Mahim bhatt.

- Kshemendra and Auchitya:

Keshmendra was the student of Abhinavgupt. Kshemendra has wrote text called "Auchitya vichar charcha". Anandvardhan wrote the Dhavanyalok by inspiration by Keshmendra. According Keshmendra Dhavani is not the soul of poetry. Keshmendra give important to Rasa sampraday but he tells that Auchitya is living soul of poetry.

Rasa can make poetry beautiful and meaningful but Auchitya gives eternity to that beauty and meaning.

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