Sunday 31 October 2021

Question-answer task of 'Rape of the lock'

Hello, I am divya parmar. I am writing this blog to complete my class activity. Hear i responded the question of the 'RAPE OF THE LOCK'. 

Question : 1 who is the protagonist of the poem clarissa or Belinda ? why ? give your answers with logical reasons.

Answer: Before we consider anyone character to protagonist we have to know about poem. 

                        Hear in the question, we find two female character: Clarissa and Belinda. these two characters are the character of the poem " RAPE OF THE LOCK". The Rape of the Lock is a mock-heroic narrative poem written by Alexander Pope.The first version, published in 1712, consisted of two cantos; the final version, published in 1714, was expanded to five cantos.Based on an actual incident and written to reconcile the families that had been estranged by it, The Rape of the Lock recounts the story of a young woman who has a lock of hair stolen by an ardent young man. Pope couches the trivial event in terms usually reserved for incidents of great moment—such as the quarrel between the Greeks and the Trojans. The poem marries a rich range of literary allusions and an ironic commentary on the contemporary social world with a sense of suppressed energy threatening to break through the veneer of civilization.

The definition of protagonist : 

"the principal character in a literary work (such as a drama or story)" 

                      Struggle, or conflict, is central to drama. The protagonist or hero of a play, novel, or film is involved in a struggle of some kind, either against someone or something else or even against his or her own emotions. So the hero is the "first struggler", which is the literal meaning of the Greek word prōtagōnistēs. A character who opposes the hero is the antagonist, from a Greek verb that means literally "to struggle against".

Belinda as the protagonist: 

                     Belinda is a central character of the play. Opening lines of the poem make it very clear to the readers that Belinda is the central character and heroine of this mock-epic. Belinda is a complex character in Rape of the Lock. Her character is presented under different roles and shades. Her depiction is both satirical and ironical but with a tincture of entertainment. There are lots of controversies among critics about character of Belinda since the publication of the Rape of the Lock. Some consider Belinda’s treatment fair while others consider it unfair.

                         The whole story of the poem is woven around her unique character. Her every action in the poem is of great significance and catches the attention of the readers. Readers come to know about her way of life and pursuits.

“Favours to none, to all she smiles extends

Oft she rejects, but never once offends,”

Famous Character Among English Literature
Belinda’s character is an outstanding portrait by Pope in his mock epic The rape of the lock. Among all the other heroines in English Literature like Shakespeare’s Caleopetra Ophillia Emillia; Fielding’s Pameila; Eliot’s Maggi; Belinda had been the favorite character of Pop. The way Pope pays attributes to Belinda’s beauty with his pen; it seems that he has been enamored with his own creation. Pope describes her paragon of beauty and wittiness: the goddess of beauty, the nymph, the fair, the rival of the sun’s beams. Pope’s Belinda resembles Shakespeare’s Cleopatra. Like her, she is a paragon of beauty and the winner of men of her age.


QUESTION : 2 What is beauty ? write your views about it. 

ANSWER : when we hear the word beauty, our unconscious mind make image of beautiful lady or woman infront of our eyes! generally the word beauty is related with female community. it is true that it relates with Nature ane Earth also. But the concept of beauty is effected female community. the definition of beauty says,

               " a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight." 

                    Following definition put emphasize on quality, colour, shape or etc. but the real concept of beauty is our inner emotion. Beauty is commonly described as a feature of objects that makes these objects pleasurable to perceive. Such objects include landscapes, sunsets, humans and works of art. Beauty, together with art and taste, is the main subject of aesthetics, one of the major branches of philosophy. As a positive aesthetic value, it is contrasted with ugliness as its negative counterpart. 

                    "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."

                                                - Ashley Smith

               when I am talking about beauty, my mind always make image of positive personality. beauty is not about colour, weight, size, shape or etc. but Beauty is about our inner emotion. humanity, kindness , acceptence, obey to your liability. According to my point of view, 'we have to change our mindset to judge things or persona by looks!' Hear i am share my one poem.

Question : 3 find out a research paper on "rape of the lock" give brief information about that paper.

ANSWER : I found these research paper to complete my task. hear i am giving brief information about that. 

"Interrogating the ethics of mockery in Pope’s The Rape of the Lock: a political turn" 

The Rape of the Lock as working out ideas of feminine psychology in terms of ‘irrational’ mythologies. Indeed The Rape of the Lock illustrates a mock-epic of excellent caliber. The focal affair of the grand narrative is the heist of foppish Belinda’s hair-lock by a cocky and haughty Baron. The transpiring clash between both of the familial parties also captures major attention of the readers. All the paramount characteristics of an epic encircle the incident. The style is elevated. There is the use of supernatural machinery in the form of the Sylphs, a voyage, a visit to the underworld and battles, almost leaning towards a comical gothic. Pope’s popular fame resides largely in his satires, devastating, final as one would think, directed not against individuals, though personal hatred and scorn entered into the original conception in some of his portraits, but against negative qualities, passions destructive of society or of civilized living. The paper will try to examine Pope’s use of parody and mockery at the relativity of Being and genealogy of the Real through a cultural mirroring of selves in a broader plane. 

Keywords: mythology, theft, supernatural, mockery, selves. 

 An embodiment of poetic taste and refinement, The Rape of the Lock is a unique mashup of comedy and satire, to be textually precise, a comic satire. Alexander Pope, the dominant poetic figure among the Augustans, reflects a delicate comical lyric in his epic, The Rape of the Lock. The curious intermingling of the grandiloquent and the comedy in a rhythmic narrative is the fruit of the conscious working of his Augustan sensibilities.

                       The socio-linguistic construct of the whole poetic composition is deftly exposed by the title of the poem, albeit in an unusual form of textual lyric. The title of The Rape of the Lock, however, can be identified to be a psycho-pathological paradox with a forced genetic antinomy, playing a major role in its connotative deconstruction and meditative elucidation. Pope brings in a reflection of semantic tingling of senses with a general approach towards his poetic title and its characters that play the titular game. 

word count : 1600 
Refrence: Spark notes, academia 

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